Next Generation Research Incubator
Medical EngineeringMultimodal Medical EngineeringTOWARD IMAGE-BASED DISEASE DIAGNOSTICSNovel, high-precision imaging techniques are being used to provide non-invasive disease diagnosis and guide future treatments.
Synthetic Aperture RadarsCenter for Innovative Microwave Remote SensingTHE NEXT WAVE IN REMOTE SENSINGMicrosatellites and remote imaging technology are revolutionizing the way we predict earthquakes and monitor disaster zones.
Plant Molecular SciencesPhytochemical Plant Molecular SciencesUNLOCKING THE POTENTIAL OF PHYTOCHEMICALSAdvanced genetic and genomic techniques are transforming our understanding of how phytochemicals can improve human health.
Experimental PsychologyMulti-perspective Understanding Cognitive Behaviour GroupPREDICTING HUMAN BEHAVIOURUnderstanding the mind’s influence on what we perceive may help researchers model human behaviour to create better smart devices.
GlycobiologyGlycomedicine Research CenterSUGAR SCIENCE'S IMMUNOTHERAPY PLAYBy bridging the gap between glycoscience and medicine, major advances in immunology and drug development are imminent.
Texture EngineeringCreation of Material Appearance and Affective ImagingREALNESS IN DIGITAL IMAGESUnderstanding how the human brain interprets images could underpin the future of internet shopping, cosmetics, digital fabrication and even non-invasive medicine.
Economic StatisticsSmall Area Estimation and Its Application to the Analysis of PovertyIMPROVING DATASETS USING SMALL AREA ESTIMATIONStatistical techniques can improve the accuracy and scope of limited information, saving time and money.
Psychiatry and PsychologyTranslational Research Program of Psychiatry and PsychologyCognitive Behavioural Therapy Comes of Age in JapanBetter access to mental health care in schools, at work and online could help people of all age groups suffering from anxiety, depression and other related conditions.
Synthetic ChemistrySoft molecular Activation for Intelligent MaterialsCATALYZING THE FUTURE OF SMART MATERIALSCatalysts developed from soft iodine, graphene and metal complexes could transform smart material technologies.
Cancer EpigenomeCancer Epigenome CenterA Different Approach to Fighting CancerA new center aims to combat cancer by rewriting the epigenetic modifications harbored by tumor cells.
Global Welfare SocietyChiba Studies on Global Fair SocietyFORGING A FAIRER WORLDA multidisciplinary team of researchers looks at how to create a fair society — on a global scale.
Rare Disease TreatmentResearch and Development Network of Innovative Medicine for Immune-related Rare and Intractable DiseasesINNOVATIVE APPROACH OFFERS HOPE FOR INTRACTABLE PROBLEMSThe ReDenim network is developing therapies to treat rare and intractable diseases.
Computer HolographyNext-generation Three-dimensional Display and MeasurementFUTURE IMAGES—MORE THAN MEETS THE EYEAdvances in three-dimensional image display and measurement techniques have applications in multiple fields, from medicine to communication and entertainment.
Infection and ImmunityMedical Mycology Research CenterMANIPULATING MICROBES FOR HUMAN HEALTHDetailed investigations of host–microbe interactions could yield new therapies against infectious agents and autoimmune diseases.
Advanced Bone-conduction CommunicationDevelopments of Communication Assistive Devices Based on Advanced Bone-conduction TechnologyCREATING A NEW AUDITORY COMMUNICATION DEVICEAnalysis on the perceptual mechanism of bone conduction for new hearing aids.
Lymphedema MonitorEarly Diagnosis Treatment and Pathological Clarification by Clinical Practice of IoT Lymphedema MonitorREDUCING ANXIETY OF LYMPHEDEMA PATIENTSDevelop a device that can easily check the stage of lymphedema at home.
MetallomicsInternational Hub for Metallomics ResearchUNDERSTANDING THE FUNCTION OF BIOMETALS FOR HUMAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHMetallomics opens frontiers in eco-toxicology, disease prevention, drug discovery, and medical diagnosis and therapy
Multicultural CoexistenceMigration and Refugee StudiesLIVING WITH PEOPLE WITH FOREIGN BACKGROUNDSThe Global-Local Nexus