Call for presentations at the 4th IGPR Symposium
On December 6, the Institute for Global Prominent Research (IGPR) will organize the 4th symposium at the Nishi-Chiba Campus.
In this symposium, the 22 research project teams and a candidate team will conduct the 1-minute oral presentation and poster presentation.
We will also invite Prof. Keiko Sakai from the Center for Relational Studies on Global Crises as a keynote lecturer. She is going to provide valuable information to encourage junior researchers and graduate students.
There are two presentation categories: (1) GP Presentation, in which presenters will be the subject to Excellent Presentation Award, and (2) Poster Presentation by students with GP Support Program to Send Graduate Students Abroad.
Although the presenters in (2) won’t be the subject to the award, please use the opportunity to report about your stay and presentation in various countries. The applicants for this program are required to report within one year after the trip.
DATE&TIME: December 6, 2019 (fri), 13:00-19:00
VENUE: Main Hall and Reception Hall (Poster Session), Keyaki Kaikan, Nishi-Chiba Campus.
Keynote Lecture
- Title:Don’t Throw Away Your Books, Run into the Fields!
- Lecturer :Prof. Keiko Sakai, Graduate School of Social Sciences/Center for Relational Studies on Global Crises
- Abstract:When you hear the word “Regional Studies,” you may wonder what the researchers in this discipline are doing. People in media think that I have some knowledge of foreign affairs. The field I work is Middle East where conflicts are often happening, so people assume that I am doing something like “country risk analysis”. But the core value of Regional Studies is to understand the whole movements in the world by exploring comprehensive phenomena in a region. God dwells in the details. If the butterfly flaps in Brazil, the tornado occurs in Texas. If the wind blows, the bucket makers prosper. Eight years after the Tunisian youth commits suicide, the demonstrators occupy the airport in Hong Kong. We established “The Relational Studies on Global Crises” to work on the holistic dynamics of international politics and such regional communities being far from us. At the keynote lecture, I will talk about why we created this field and the highlights of studying conflict areas.
- Profile:Keiko Sakai joined the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE) in Tokyo in 1982 as a researcher on Iraq. From 1995 until 1997 she served as the overseas researcher at the American University in Cairo. In mid-2005, Sakai returned to academia and took on the position of Professor at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and move to Chiba University in 2012. Her many publications in Japanese include the award-winning Iraku to Amerika (Iraq and America, 2002). Her article "Tribalization as a Tool of State Control in Iraq: Observations on the Army, the Cabinets and the National Assembly" in Tribes and Power : Nationalism and Ethnicity in the Middle East (Jabbar, Faleh A. ed., al-Saqi, 2003) is often quoted in various books and journals. She also served as a President of JAIR (Japan Association of International Relations), as well as a member of Science Council of Japan.

Takeshi Tokuhisa, President of Chiba University, Director of IGPR.
Keiko Sakai, Professor, Center for Relational Studies on Global Crises.
Minoru Seki, Vice President of Chiba University, Head of Management Division of IGPR.
GP Presenation
・Please register the presenters by filling in the formart that GP office sent to each project leader.
・Abstract Format JP, Abstract Format EN
・Please send the abstract to the following email address:
・PPT Format JP, PPT Format EN
・Please send the PPT to the following email address:
・If you cannot send the attached file via email, please use the sending file system.
・1 minute, 2 slides, either English or Japanese.
・Please put your poster on the day before the symposium.
・Poster Format JP, Poster Format EN
・A0, vertical, either English or Japanese.
Poster Presentation by studnents with GP Support Prgram to Send Graduate Students Abroad.
・Please register the presenters by filling in the formart that GP office sent to each project leader.
・Please put your poster on the day before the symposium.
・Poster Format JP, Poster Format EN
・A0, vertical, either English or Japanese.