Social Value Creation Research

Development of Mucosal Vaccines and Immunotherapies at International Research Center for Allergy and Mucosal Vaccines

  • Principal Investigator

    Professor / Hiroshi NAKAJIMA

  • Affiliation

    Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba Univercity

  • Researchmap


The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) exposed the weakness of the research and development system for vaccines and new drugs against pandemics in Japan. In anticipation of the Post/With-COVID-19 Era, versatile vaccine technologies are expected to be developed, and basic and clinical research will be promoted to serve as the basis for such technologies. Chiba University, which has a long tradition in the research of immunology and allergy, leads international research across universities and research institutes, accelerates basic research to create seeds, and promotes clinical research that leads to clinical applications using its immunology research infrastructure that spans both basic and clinical immunology and allergy.

The International Research Center for Allergy and Mucosal Vaccines has been conducting research on allergy and mucosal immunology, mainly at Chiba University Inohana Campus, in collaboration with UC San Diego. Based on the achievement of the Center for Mucosal Immunology, Allergy, and Vaccine (cMAV), this project will develop nasal and oral mucosal vaccines targeting various allergic diseases such as asthma and various respiratory infections and promote basic research that will serve as the basis of the project by using the industry-academia collaboration and international collaborative platform, which is expanded in collaboration with the COVID-19 Vaccine Center at Chiba University Hospital and the Department of Human Mucosal Vaccinology supported by SHIONOGI & CO., LTD. Following the achievements of the Institute for Global Prominent Research "International Center of Excellence in Mucosal Immunology and Innovative Allergy Therapeutics,” we will also promote clinical research enabling the development of novel mucosal immunotherapies for allergic diseases and nasal or oral vaccines for infectious diseases for the prevention of severe disease and infections through the mucosa, the gateway of pathogens. We hope our clinical research will result in clinical applications of the next-generation mucosal vaccines and immunotherapies.

Development of Mucosal Vaccines and Immunotherapies at International Research Center for Allergy and Mucosal Vaccines
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Hiroshi NAKAJIMA's Article / News Release