Greetings from the Director
Warm greetings to you all.
It is my pleasure and honor to introduce the Institute for Advanced Academic Research (IAAR).
After taking office as president of Chiba University in April 2021, one of the important missions was to establish a new vision, "Chiba University Aspirations." Guided by this vision, we set our research mission to realize and accelerate "A Hub of Global Brain Circulation - Generate and expand world-leading Research -," and launched the IAAR in April 2022.
Research faculty members will be assigned to the IAAR with the purpose of advancing cutting-edge research at Chiba University.
We also plan to provide an unprecedented level of support to create an environment where young and mid-career researchers can give their full energies to research.
The IAAR aims to support 20 research groups led by first-rate young and mid-career researchers. These researchers will promote outstanding projects with innovation, originality, progressiveness, and creativity. While making the most of government funding for mission-enabling activities to support them, we expect our next-generation researchers to lead the way in achieving "Chiba University Aspirations" as well as contributing to the future education of Japan.
As the first step, we offer the following: 1) securing tenured track positions for associate professors, and 2) operating the "Center for All Directional Innovation," which offers graduate students financial and career-path support.
Through these endeavors and support, we strive to formulate a research hub in Chiba to contribute to greater society.
Furthermore, we will make efforts to deepen our connection to and communication with people and to familiarize them with our research and social activities.
We ask for your continued support and encouragement for Chiba University.
President of Chiba University Toshinori Nakayama