Social Value Creation Research

Creation of ultrasonic pathology and establishment of non-invasive multiscale quantitative diagnostic method

  • Principal Investigator

    Professor / Tadashi YAMAGUCHI

  • Affiliation

    Center for Frontier Medical Engineeing / Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University

  • Researchmap


To understand the degree of living tissue degeneration due to cancer, progression of various diseases, and other causes, pathological tests are performed in which target tissues in the body are extracted using a needle and observed under a microscope after blood tests and medical imaging examinations. Each of the tests has its advantages and disadvantages and is not without its own psychological and physical effects on the patient.
In this study, the “properties of living cells” and “relationship between structure/composition and properties” of biological tissues in the body are evaluated both microscopically and macroscopically by maximizing and utilizing the ability of ultrasonography, which is excellent in evaluating thestiffness and shape of materials immediately. Then, we will obtain a quantitative diagnostic method that can directly correlate the relationship between the physical characteristics of biological tissues and their properties from a medical viewpoint, which cannot be understood by existing tests on a multiscale.

Therefore, by simply observing the tissue to be diagnosed from outside the body using the ultrasound, it is possible to obtain the same results as the evaluation of the state of cells extracted using a needle and predict the risk of carcinogenesis in a non-invasive, non-blood-intensive method. This “pathological examination without cutting” technology will lead to improved safety and accuracy not only in diagnosis but also in immediate evaluation of the condition of target tissues pre- and postoperatively, as well as during surgery.

Additionally, this technology will reduce the frequency of examinations and burden not only of the patients but also of the physicians and technicians in the clinical field; thereby, reducing the cost of medical care. The comprehensive database of biophysical properties, which accumulates the properties of biological tissues in various states and their acoustic, mechanical, and biochemical characteristics will produce a new academic system called “ultrasonic pathology,” and provide a biomarker (indicators of biological and pathological changes, conditions, and treatment effects) applicable to various medical imaging, such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. It will also contribute greatly to the “standardization of diagnostic imaging” independent of equipment, settings, and other conditions.

Creation of ultrasonic pathology and establishment of non-invasive multiscale quantitative diagnostic method
Realtime evaluation of scatterer structure
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Creation of ultrasonic pathology and establishment of non-invasive multiscale quantitative diagnostic method
Acoustic characterization of NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) liver at the cellular level
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Creation of ultrasonic pathology and establishment of non-invasive multiscale quantitative diagnostic method
Multiscale speed of sound evaluation of the kidney
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Tadashi YAMAGUCHI's Article / News Release / InfoGraphics