Atsushi OKAZAKI Tenure Track Associate Professor


Tenure Track Associate Professor

  • Chiba University Institute for Advanced Academic Research / Center for Environmental Remote Sensing

  • Keywords

    Numerical weather prediction, Stable water isotopes modeling, Data assimilation, Paleoclimate reconstruction

  • Professional Memberships

    Japan Geoscience Union, Meteorological Society of Japan, American Geophysical Union, American Meteorological Society

Research Theme

A Resilient Society against Water-Related Disasters Achieved through Prediction and Reconstruction


There is growing concern about the exacerbation of meteorological and hydrological disasters due to global warming. In light of this, the utilization of predictions across various timescales is imperative to mitigate damages from such events.

While daily weather forecasts have become a part of our infrastructure already, the utilization of medium to long-term forecasts, which extend beyond a few weeks, remains underdeveloped. These forecasts can offer valuable insights, such as regulating dam reservoir levels to prepare for floods and droughts.

It is essential to not only elucidate the reliability of the predictions but also to push for the advancement of predictive capabilities. I am tackling these challenges by combining large-scale simulations based on physical models and cutting-edge mathematical optimization techniques.

Furthermore, by reconstructing historical water-related disasters spanning several centuries and comparing them to actual damage, I aim to evalu ate the effectiveness of past flood control measures quantitatively. This endeavor will generate information that can contribute to the design of robust flood control strategies in the future.