Tenure Track Assistant ProfessorChiba University Institute for Advanced Academic Research / Center for Environmental Remote Sensing
Heatwave, Urban Climate, Terrestrial Ecosystem, Remote Sensing
Professional Memberships
American Geophysical Union, Japan Geoscience Union, Meteorological Society of Japan, Remote Sensing Society of Japan
Research Theme
Diagnostic study of urban and vegetation environments using satellite remote sensing

Satellite remote sensing captures atmospheric and terrestrial phenomena over a wide area, contributing to the comprehension of global environmental issues and the prediction of climate change. However, accurate observation of terrestrial environments is difficult due to the complex dynamics of human activities and ecosystems. In addition, land observation satellites typically provide data only at a few day intervals, limiting their ability to fully resolve rapid environmental changes.
To address these challenges, I am promoting research on the application of the geostationary meteorological satellite "Himawari" to terrestrial monitoring. My aim is to utilize observation data on land surfaces without cloud cover, although the original purpose of Himawari is to observe short-term changes in clouds, such as cumulonimbus clouds and typhoons.
Specifically, I am developing estimation algorithms for key land surface parameters, including land surface temperature, reflectance, evapotranspiration, and photosynthesis. Furthermore, I use these algorithms to address previously challenging research topics, such as the evaluation of extreme heat environments in urban areas and the detection of drying signals in plants during extreme heat wave events.