Associate ProfessorChiba University Institute for Advanced Academic Research / Graduate School of Science
Monoclonal antibody, Antibody medicine, Antibody engineering, Functional antibody, 3D structure analysis, Membrane protein, X-ray crystallography, Cryo-electron microscopy
Professional Memberships
The Japanese Biochemical Society, Protein Science Society of Japan, the Quantum Life Science Society, The Japanese Cancer Association, The Antibody Society of Japan
Research Theme
Development of Functional Antibodies for Antibody Pharmaceuticals

Monoclonal antibodies (antibody/antibody molecule expressed from a single clone antibody-producing cell) are currently being used extensively in research and medicine.
We try to establish functional antibodies against human membrane proteins and other disease-related proteins using proprietary antibody fabrication methods.
Our developed antibodies have potential applications in structural biology (X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM single-particle analysis), reagents, and antibody pharmaceuticals.
We are also trying the antibody engineering approach, using bioinformatics based on three-dimensional structural and genetic information of monoclonal antibodies to miniaturize antibodies, improve and modify their properties, and add new value to them.