Associate ProfessorChiba University Institute for Advanced Academic Research / Graduate School of Medicine
Mucosal immunity, Allergy, Inflammatory bowel disease, Food allergy, Mast cells, Intestinal glial cells, Mesenchymal cells, Fibroblasts, Inflammation, Repair, Fibrosis, Organ-axis, Intestinal bacteria, Pathogenic commensal bacteria, Immune peripheral education
Professional Memberships
Japanese Society for Immunology, The Intestinal Microbiology Society, Japanese Society of Allergology
Research Theme
Formation of allergy-suppressing immune cells and development of effective allergy treatment Understanding and application of "symbiosis and elimination" to intestinal microbe by organ crosstalk Clarification of mucosal repair and protection system focusing on mesenchymal-nervous circuit

The functions of the intestines are not merely limited to digestion and absorption but also extend to the regulation of the body's immune system.
Inflammatory bowel disease, an intractable immune-inflammatory disease such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, and allergic march, a series of various allergic diseases, are also related to a disturbance in the harmony of the immune function of the gut.
It has also been demonstrated that certain intestinal bacteria can cause inflammation by translication to extra-intestinal organs; these facts have come to light that "intestinal disorders are the cause of all illnesses."
We are working to elucidate the "organ-axis" centered on the intestine, the protective system against tissue fibrosis and allergy, and to establish disease therapies.