Shunji KOTSUKI Professor



  • Chiba University Institute for Advanced Academic Research / Center for Environmental Remote Sensing

  • Keywords

    Data assimilation, Weather forecasting, Satellite observations, Parameter estimation, Real-time forecasting, Crop yield estimation, Land surface process models, Weather prediction, Soil moisture, Coupled systems, Precipitation prediction, Hydrology, Precipitation, Coupled assimilation, Numerical weather prediction, Atmospheric-land surface interaction, Big data, Prediction, Weather, Global land surface reanalysis, NICAM-LETKF, Reservoir computation, Landscape modeling, Atmosphere, Machine learning, Deep learning, AI, Numerical weather modeling, Heavy rainfall Forecasting, Data science, Water-related disasters, Disaster lore, Observation location optimization, Numerical weather forecasting, Data-driven, Land models, Weather control, Weather disaster prediction, ELSI

  • Professional Memberships

    Japan Geoscience Union, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, The Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, Japanese Association of Hydrological Sciences, The Remote Sensing Society of Japan (RSSJ), The Meteorological Society of Japan

Research Theme

Exploring Frontiers in Global Environment and Disaster Predictions Through Integration of Satellite Big Data and Data Science


We aim to strengthen meteorological disaster predictions by integrating massive amounts of satellite data archived at the Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS) and deploying state-of-the-art data science technologies such as deep learning.

Our ultimate goal is to create a society that makes advanced use of weather predictions, including weather control and cost-effectiveness.

Specifically, this project explores a new data-driven precipitation forecast model that uses a vast amount of geostationary satellite data, enabling us to publish an AI weather forecast from Chiba University.

From the perspective of climate change research, we also estimate the Global “Carbon Budget*.” Our project develops Chiba University's original prediction system for land surface environmental change and monitors the Global Carbon Budget by coupling the model and satellite data.

Additionally, we promote international contributions using our research achievements by providing insights into the inter-governmental reports on the “Global Carbon Stocktake,” which confirms the degree of achievement toward the long-term targets set in the Paris Agreement, the international framework for post-2020 climate change issues.

*a balance between CO2 absorption (income) and emission (expenditure) by the terrestrial and marine ecosystems on the Earth

Shunji KOTSUKI's Article / News Release