2 days Seminars for English Academic Writing, Nature Research Academies will be held on February 21 and 22.
On February 21st and 22nd, the Institute for Global Prominent Research (IGPR) will organize the seminars for academic writing, called Nature Research Academies.

Nature Research Academies in 2017
The seminars aim to support the graduate students and junior researchers at Chiba University to write professional academic papers in each research field.
In this year, Day 1 will be held at Nishi-Chiba campus and focus on the general academic writing with quantitative data, while Day 2 will be held at Inohana campus and focus on the clinical research for clinical researchers who want to be more competitive when publishing their research in international medical journals. We recommend that all students majoring Medical, Pharmaceutical, and Nursing Science take the Day 2 seminar and the other students take the Day1.
As a trainer, we invite Dr. Jefferey Robens from Springer Nature, and he is going to help all participants to brush up their academic writing skill in an interactive way.
All seminars will be held in English and advance registration is required by February 12.
The spaces are limited, so signing up earlier is highly recommended.
The registration has been closed. If you have any questions, please contact Saori Tanaka at gp-office@chiba-u.jp or call 3022.About the trainer

Dr. Jeffrey Robens has a diverse research background in the life sciences and is an experienced author and peer reviewer. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, and has worked at various institutes and universities in Singapore and Japan, including RIKEN and Kyoto University. In his current role as Editorial Development Manager at Springer, Dr. Robens gives educational seminars worldwide for authors to improve their manuscript quality and reach their publication goals. Using his extensive research and publication background, Dr. Robens is particularly able to assist non-native English-speaking researchers increase their chances of publication success.
Guideline for Participants
Please check the Guideline for the Participants before joining the seminar.
Day 1: Nature Research Academies – General Training with Quantitative Data
Venue:Engineering Research Building Ⅱ (map number 10) 2F, Conference Room
(工学系総合研究棟2, 2Fコンファレンスルーム)
Effective academic writing I
• Logical flow and structure
• Avoiding ambiguity
• Reader expectations
Effective academic writing II
• Improving readability
• Common mistakes
• Writing strategies
Manuscript Structure
• Logically structuring your Introduction and Literature Review
• Transparently reporting your methodology and techniques in the Methods
• Clearly presenting your findings in your Results
• Discussing the significance and impact of your study in your Discussion
• Effective titles and abstracts
Effective Publication Strategies
• What journal editors are looking for
• Choosing the most appropriate journal
• Writing impactful cover letters
Day 2: Nature Research Academies – Clinical Research Training
Venue: Medical and Pharmaceutical Building Ⅱ (map number 5) 1F, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences 120th Anniversary Memorial Hall
• Clinical trial registration
• Transparency in reporting clinical research
• Activity
• Clinical study designs
• Appropriately sampling participants
• Avoiding common biases during clinical research
• Activity
• Introducing why the study is important
• Transparently discussing the methodology
• Logically structuring the results and figures
• Discussing the clinical implications of the study
• Effective clinical research titles
• Impressive abstracts
• Useful keywords and search engine optimization